miércoles, 12 de abril de 2017

The last stupid idea: breaking the cloud to canon blow

The last stupid idea: breaking the cloud to canon blow
The last stupid idea: breaking the cloud to canon blow

A news item in CIO comments on what appears to be the penultimate occurrence of the insatiable management entities, being studied by the European Commission: to levy with a canon the use of services in the cloud to supposedly "compensate" the creators for the circulation and use Of his works through this medium.

According to the twelve copyright management entities that contacted the Commission on Wednesday, the private copying fee is a fundamental system for the remuneration of artists, has proved not to be a disincentive to the acquisition of devices in the countries in the Which has been put in place and must be reconverted to meet its new challenge: operating in an environment where physical copy is no longer necessary and both circulation and consumption takes place through platforms in the cloud. The approach, apart from being the umpteenth exponent of the voracity to collect and continue pretending that for some mysterious reason has to subsidize a number of businesses because they complain about the progress of technology, would be extremely problematic in the case of the free section of services Of freemium use like Dropbox, GDrive, Skydrive and the like.

The idea of ​​paying a fee for using platforms in the cloud just in case we uploaded copyright works is as absurd as claiming to charge a fee for the air we breathe, just in case we have the idea to whistle a song. But of course, there is no lack of entities capable of raising it, nor politicians willing to listen. The war of the canon returns. Let's grab, come curves.

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